Wednesday 15 May 2013

Previous students return to FoC

Betty Yang (far left) with MFP Management class
Yesterday we were visited by some previous MFP students who are currently studying on Masters programmes at UCLan.  They came in to talk to our current students about their experiences and to give some advice about how to make the most out of the MFP, how best to prepare for a UCLan Masters and to talk about the benefits of being a foundation student.

Current students had an opportunity to ask questions about their future at UCLan and to talk about their time with us on the foundation course to students who had been in the same position as them only a year ago.  They asked questions such as 'How many hours do you study per week at UCLan?' 'What was the most difficult thing about the MFP and what is the most difficult thing about doing a Master's?' and 'How did you improve your speaking and listening skills?' 

The students who returned spoke very positively of the friendships they made here and the benefit they received to their essay writing practice and use of the library.   They felt studying on the foundation course gave them an upper hand on students who had no experience of UCLan when they started their Masters degree and that the subjects they studied here gave them a good foundation to build on in further study.

Last week Anton Mishechkin, a former UFP student who is now in his first year of BA (Hons) Business and Management at UCLan, also came to speak to our current UFP Business students about his experiences and we are expecting some more visitors throughout the week. 

These sessions provide a great opportunity for current students to get some perspective and to realise why they are studying the Foundation course and the benefits it will bring next year.  This provides a good boost to students' morale and motivation just a few weeks before many of them take their final exams.

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