Friday 31 May 2013

Goodbye September MFP!

Party time
Today is the last day of lessons for our September start MFP students.  They have sat through their last lessons, delivered their final presentations and uploaded the last of their coursework to Turnitin for assessment.

It's been a challenging but enjoyable year for all concerned but our students have been looking very pleased with themselves all week.

Today students had a mini presentation with their English teachers, Sam and Nicola, who presented them with certificates relating to their experiences at UCLan.  It was all good fun and students received awards for their individual contribution to their group.  Awards that were given out included 'Class Clown,' 'Most Competitive,' 'Best Shoes' and 'Worst Tuesday Morning Attendance.'

Students pose with their teacher, Nicola, and their certificates
Many of our students will also be out tonight celebrating their achievements with some of their teachers.

Now they are eagerly awaiting their scores and crossing their fingers that every one of them progresses to UCLan in September to undertake their chosen Master's degree, but they will have to wait until our graduation ceremony on 21st June to find out just how well they have done. 

Congratulations on a great year; it has been a pleasure to have you all around the centre.  Good luck and do come back and visit us next year!

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