Thursday 21 February 2013

Teamwork Skills in Tutorials

Abdulaziz and Fawaz show off their tower

One of the benefits to studying a programme with FoundationCampus is the weekly tutorial.  Each student is assigned a personal tutor on arrival who they can speak to if they have any questions, problems or worries whether personal or study-related.

Students have a taught tutorial once in every three weeks which incorporates study skills such as note-taking, time management, revision and team work skills.  In the other two weeks students attend personal appointments with their tutor to discuss their studies and anything that might affect their progress or general well being.

Our September starters are now studying Module 2 of their subjects which contain a number of group work exercises and team projects.  To support them in this tutorial sessions this week centred around team work.  Students had to work together to build a tower using spaghetti and marshmallows.  Well done Abdulaziz and Fawaz on your winning tower!

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