Wednesday 13 February 2013

Spotlight on UFP Advanced English

This year at FoundationCampus UCLan we are running Advanced English; Extended Project for the first time. 

Students with stronger English are being encouraged to challenge themselves by undertaking a Research Project on their chosen topic and will split their time between advanced level English lessons and independent study, which will culminate in a 3000 word essay with research findings.  This will help prepare them for degree level coursework and the dissertations that they will expected to complete at University.

Here our Advanced English class are attending a Research Methods lecture to help get them started.

Our students have chosen from a wide variety of topics which reflect both their interests and the degree that they will undertake at UCLan upon progression.  Titles include 'Is it ethical to have a test tube baby?' 'How the Vikings have shaped Swedish culture.' 'Does Apple have a future after the death of Steve Jobs' and 'The life of Coco Chanel and her influence on the Fashion Industry.'

We look forward to seeing what our students will create as part of this project and hope they enjoy it.

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