Wednesday 14 November 2012

Harris Museum Trip for ELM students

For students who need extra English language support before joining one of our Undergraduate or Masters Foundation Programmes, or for those just wishing to study English in the UK on a University campus, we offer an English Language only module.  Students study English for 22 hours per week from IELTS level 3.0 and can study for up to 3 terms.

On Friday, English Language Module (ELM) Group 1 students visited a local museum, the Harris Museum, where they enjoyed a cultural experience in the UK in an English language learning environment - here's what they had to say about the trip;

"On Friday, 9th November, we visited the Harris Museum with our teacher Joanne.  The museum has 3 floors and a learning centre, library and small cafe downstairs.  As we went round the museum we had questions to answer and things to look out for.  It was good to practise English outseide of our usual classroom and read the information around us.

We discovered a lot of information about Preston's heritage and the local history and saw many intersting things, such as the beautiful stained glass Henry window, a model of an old factory in Preston, a doll's house, skulls and even a collection of old mobile phones!

One of the best things was the skeleton of 'The Poulton Elk', which was discovered buried under a house in Preston.

We also saw some historical costumes and had a talk in the art gallery with a museum assisstant.  He explained a lot to us about the works of art we saw.

We really enjoyed the trip and we are looking forward to visiting somewhere else to find out more about Preston."

For more information and photos please take a look at this short presentation; The Harris Museum, prepared by one of our ELM students, Hatim Aloqalaa.  Thank you Hatim!

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