Monday 12 November 2012

Biscuits in business: learning with food in UFP business!

This week as part of the Undergraduate Foundation Programme (UFP), Business students took part in a focus group to explore how their academic topic – market research – is carried out in the real world.
The students applied their learning to a practical problem; they carried out a focus group to decide which biscuits would be best to be sold in their on campus Café.

They worked in small teams with other students from around the world to evaluate different types of biscuits in a blind product test. They decided which brand was best to be sold to customers if they were in charge of the café’s purchasing.

The business students reported that it allowed them to link the academic theory of market research to the real world, using an on campus business example that they were familiar with; as well as being a fun and engaging activity to do!
To see what else students in UFP Business get up to look at their blog

To find out more about the UFP programme see

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