Thursday 20 February 2014

UFP Business Teamwork Fashion Show

As part of the UFP course a number of modules require an element of teamwork.  Group presentations, group experiments and group business plans are all forms of assessment which are used by us which reflect some form of assessments that are used as part of degree programmes.
In UFP Business students worked together to put on a fashion show, creating clothes from magazines and bits of newspaper. 
First they had to discuss what item of clothing they could make, create a sketch of the item then make it using the materials given such as foil, newspaper and trimmings. 
One student acted as a model and represented the group at a 'fashion show' in which teams were judged on their creativity, style and performance.
The activity led into a discussion on Belbin's theory of team roles and students could then look at the role they each played in the team and the contribution they each made.  Belbin's theory is intended to look at group dynamics and the strengths and weaknesses of each role.  Improving the students' understanding of teamwork and also their self-awareness is intended to improve their teamwork skills for the group assessments throughout this course and in the future.
This was a very fun-filled and interactive activity, demonstrating the importance of working as a team, what can be achieved when a team works well together and discussing the different roles and jobs the team members carried out.

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