Monday 6 January 2014

European agents visit UCLan and FoC

Last month we were visited by a number of agents from Russia and Kazakstan.

They visited us here and UCLan and had presentations about Sports, Tourism and Events Management, Journalism, Media and Communication (including a visit to a TV studio) and the School of Languages where they had a translation demonstration.

They also had a Christmas-themed buffet complete with crackers and heard fomr our current students and Russian alumni who talked about their experience of FoundationCampus, UCLan and what it is like to be an international student in Preston.

We are very excited to potentially welcome new students from different parts of the world to maintain a good mix of different nationalities at FoC and look forward to working closely with these agents in the future. 

We hope they had a very interesting visit and enjoyed their stay in Preston.

Agents with Mary Wade, Centre Head (back far left)

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